FAR Helps Uncover Your Optimal Rainmakers and Teams

Data Driven Results Created By Experts
FAR was developed by PHDs who are experts in behavioral data, technologists, PR/BD professionals, and designers. The collaboration of these varied individuals has yielded the FAR tool set - an assessment that takes less than 10 minutes and provides reports against established behavioral benchmarks, coaching tips, potential conflicts, and impactful team formation insights. The tool exposes opportunities for coaching and training to build effective teams optimized to drive revenue and growth.
Simple Metrics for Multiple Benchmarks
Results reports identify various behavioral benchmarks, including the Media Mogul, Constant Closer, Notable Networker Amazing Analyst, and Creative Collaborator. Benchmarks are a result of thousands of behavioral surveys of individuals across multiple industries and disciplines.

Identify 21 Behavioral Traits and Opportunities for Growth
In addition to our benchmarks, Find A Rainmaker provides a summary report which measures 21 Behavioral Traits. Detailed information on the core behavioral tendencies, motivators, and values of each individual, along with training and coaching opportunities to optimize performance.

Form Dynamic Collaborations Using Data
The Collaboration Report compares two individuals, showing complimentary traits and where there is possible conflict. The knowledge of everyone's strengths is an essential part of growth and helps in a variety of instances including interviews and job performance. This helps to determine the best methods to seamlessly work as a team.
View Coaching Recommendations to Improve Performance
Review and deliver recommendations for each benchmark that provide actionable items for growth and development in order to guide interactions and increase success.


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